Sara Annie
JoinedTopics Started by Sara Annie
History lesson
by Iwasyoungonce ini just got this via email;.
you may already know this, but i thought it.
> interesting.
old riddle
by NewSense inhas anyone ever heard this riddle?
it's been around a while, and it goes like this - a surgeon, named mr. william jennings, decided one day to take his six-year-old son for ride in the family car to buy some ice cream.
tragically dr. jennings' automobile was broad-sided by another car travelling at a very high rate of speed.
Reality check: World less happy about America
by Pathofthorns infacinating results from a global poll relating to public opinions of america in various countries around the world.. [url][/url].
a major survey on international opinion released in washington yesterday shows u.s. popularity has plunged across much of the world amid mounting perceptions that the united states is running roughshod over other nations.
the planet's sole superpower commands only tepid affection, just as the u.s. government struggles to win international support for a possible military incursion against iraq as the next stage in its war on terrorism.. in fact, the prospect of a u.s.-led offensive aimed at overthrowing iraqi dictator saddam hussein has become a major irritant between washington and even its closest allies.. .
SCAM MAIL! Another weird-ass email
by TR inreceived this email this morning:.
good day,.
with warm heart i offer my friendship, and greetings, and i hope this mail meets you in good time.
Discussions With God
by IslandWoman infor those that pray, do you pray only in quiet reverence and thankfulness or do you also pray as if god were right there in front of you and you have this bee in your bonnet (or whatever .
personally i pray to god about anything even about being upset with him.
i love god and do not fear him so to lovingly be upset with him sometimes, is just me.
Michael Jackson shocks crowd in Berlin
by Brymichmom inclick on where it says, "more on this story:" pictures.
it's just shocking!
what is wrong with this man dangling a small child out of the hotel balcony????.
losing the shadow of Jehovah.
by sleepy injust the other night i was feeling a bit down and when i went to bed i started to pray , then remebered i dont believe in god.
my whole life i believed there was a supreme being watching over me , who i could talk to and was listening to our prayers.its hard to get rid of that feeling from the back of you mind.
sometimes,when i do something i think i shouldn't , i start to say a quick prayer but then stop when i realise i'm just talking to myself.
Why do we tell our stories?
by Lady Lee ini realize not everyone here was sexually abused while they were children in the wts.
but i read them.
take your time and don't read them all at once.
Movies You Watch Over & Over & Over
by 3acrewood inhave you noticed there are certain movies you just never get tired of watching?
what's does your list include?
here are some of mine (in no particular order as to favorites):.